About Us

Welcome to BlindCleaners.biz

Welcome to the home of the Blind Cleaners Network and OnSite Fabricare, the resource site for professionally-minded blind and drapery cleaners. Our mission is to support independent cleaners in this niche industry by providing valuable resources, training, and networking opportunities.

We are a community of like minded blind and drapery cleaners sharing common interests in improvement and excellence in our trade craft. We represent blind cleaners’ interests with fabricators and consult with them on cleaning practices for their products. We promote consumer understanding and awareness of our services as we aid connection with local cleaners. We seek to elevate industry standards working with all involved.

Our network includes a diverse range of participants, from aspiring entrepreneurs to seasoned professionals. We also welcome fabricators, companies, and individuals offering goods or services beneficial to our members, fostering mutually beneficial business relationships.


Over the past 18 years we have demonstrated our commitment to empowering blind and drapery cleaners through the BlindCleaners.biz Newsletter, reaching over 550 subscribers with articles, trade tips, and insights relevant to both seasoned professionals and newcomers alike. Our expanding network connects Members across North America (and other countries) providing a valuable reference point for consumers seeking knowledgeable local service providers. Participants in the network find connection and encouragement through interactions with others in the industry.


Webinars covering a broad range of trade topics are one educational tool popular with Members or prospects interested in learning more about this business. While most are “Members Only” on specific topics for professional development and training, quarterly sessions on introductory topics are open to Newsletter subscribers. These sessions are a valuable platform for sharing knowledge, professional development, and  ensuring our community stays informed about the latest industry trends and techniques.


Unlike other industry “trainings” promoted by those who sell equipment or business opportunities, our training philosophy emphasizes real-world experience and hands on activities in a actual full time blind and drapery cleaning shop operation. We focus on providing practical, hands-on skills and shortening one’s learning curve to success in building their own business. Our goal is to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the blind and drapery cleaning business, not aggressive sales pitches promoting equipment, chemicals or branding that detracts from building your own.

  • Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning: Learn the fundamentals behind how it works, what to do and how different machines, techniques and cleaning chemistries impact one’s results.
  • On-Site Fabricare Specialist Certification: The heritage of doing Injection-Extraction cleaning on custom window treatments, as pioneered by Jeff Berkowitz in the 1990’s, is continued now at our training side for the On-Site Fabricare Specialists Certification. Hunter Douglas, Springs Window Fashions and other major fabricators and designers recommend using these professional cleaners over others with unknown product experience.

Our basic training programs include a blend of classroom instruction and hands-on sessions, allowing participants to learn about various window treatments and cleaning methods using the different types of equipment. Our experienced professionals provide personalized guidance, ensuring your questions are answered and your training needs are met. Whether participating as an experienced cleaner or novice, one will find that as the foundational material flows into the practical application in the cleaning procedures it all melds together in a way that makes sense and enhances one’s skill set.

Our recertification and more advanced programs focus on business building and cleaning techniques that will elevate your skill sets and operation above the competition, when properly implemented.

Whether cleans custom window treatments full or part time, taking the time to learn how to do things efficiently, effectively and profitably is well worth the investment! Too many struggle to succeed and fail because they “could not afford” to invest the time or money in learning keys to building a successful operation. Too many flounder along independently, when there is a wealth of supportive, friendly professionals in the network, with technical information unavailable anywhere else.


Bert Bolton, our Administrator, brings a wealth of experience from both his decades in education and now decades in a Chicago region blind and drapery cleaning business.

Bert oversees network activities, develops educational content, website resources and provides technical support as well as consulting/training activities at our facility (or yours).

Contact Bert with technical questions or for making connections to others who might be better able to answer or provide a solution.


Vicky Karpiesz, our dedicated Administrative Assistant, manages membership support, product orders, Newsletter distribution, website updates, customer referrals, and other administrative tasks to keep everything running smoothly. 

Contact Vicky for general information questions and support relative to the network, supplies or training registrations.


Feel free to contact us for technical support, membership queries, or to update your company information. We maintain an industry database, so even if one is not a Member, we can help with connections and general helpful resources.

The support of faithful Members makes all that we do together in the industry possible! Collectively as individual business owners we have neither the time nor the clout – but collective we are able to multiple the impact to the benefit of all involved.